Saturday, May 31, 2008

Prophet of Regret

I shall light this holy ring, release its cleansing flame, and burn a path into
the divine beyond!"
—Prophet of Regret

The High Prophet of Regret is the youngest of the three
High Prophets that lead the Covenant High Council.
Twenty Third Age of Doubt
During the Age of Doubt,
2524 by the UNSC calender, the Prophet of Regret was known as the Vice Minister of Tranquility. He was unique amongst his Prophet fellows in his confrontational attitude and combative demeanor, a trait he had gained from spending a good deal of time working with Elites. He was the first to inform the future Prophet of Truth about the existence of Harvest and what they believed to be a vast reliquary of Forerunner artifacts (In reality, these "artifacts" were nothing less than the humans on the planet, or "Reclaimers"). After persuading the future High Prophet to join him in a conspiracy to gain these artifacts for their own private usage, he helped Truth in his plans by pretending to sympathize for those blacklisted from reproducing due to inborn genes, which included the then Hierarch Prophet of Restraint. After pretending to be the father of an unlawful child the Prophet of Restraint had fathered, Regret forced Restraint out of power by threatening to reveal the scandal if he did not leave his position as High Prophet.
Before their coup, the Prophets visited an "Oracle" within the
Forerunner Dreadnought, an ancient AI known as Mendicant Bias that had stored itself in the ship and had not spoken to anyone for several hundred years. When the Luminations of Harvest were entered into its matrix, it suddenly came to light and revealed the symbols had been misinterpreted-that humans stood as equals to the Forerunner, and the Covenant had been mistaken in their beliefs. As it tried to launch the Dreadnought from High Charity, the Prophets along with the Philologist, leader of the ascetic priests and later the Prophet of Mercy, disconnected the Oracle from the ship and decided that the humans must be eradicated once and for all, before any of the Covenant could learn of this and shatter their entire existence.
He served during the destruction of
Halo Installation 04 and was one of those who publicly condemned the Sangheili Commander who was responsible for the loss of the ring. While he appeared for the trial, it was by way of hologram, as Regret was en route to Earth, searching for a method to initiate the Great Journey.

On the Path to the Great Journey
"The message just repeats, "Regret, Regret, Regret.""
Despite being chided by his two compatriots, The Prophet of Regret led the first attack on
Earth. His fleet was small for an assault, totaling only two Assault Carriers and thirteen CCS-class Battlecruisers. It is thought that he was directed to Earth by a Forerunner artifact, perhaps the one on Coral to search for the Ark, but he apparently had no knowledge of a human presence on Earth and that it was his enemy's home world. Nevertheless, he sent Ranger Elites and Boarding Craft to destroy the Orbital Defense Platforms Malta, Athens, and Cairo, so he could push through into the heart of Africa. Despite the Master Chief's actions, his ship made it to the ground and deployed the first full-scale invasion force of Covenant on Earth.
After landing in New Mombasa to search for the Forerunner artifact located on Earth, Regrets forces deployed numerous ground units to further search the city, including at least two
Scarabs and many Phantom dropships. As Spartan-117 approached his Carrier, Regret's ship initiated a Slipspace jump right in the middle of New Mombasa to escape his pursuers and regroup his attack force. The move was so surprising that only the UNSC In Amber Clad and four Prowlers were able to follow the Carrier as it jumped and destroyed the city.

Delta Halo
"I shall light this
holy ring, release its cleansing flame, and burn a path into the divine beyond!"
—Prophet of Regret
Carrier landed ground and infantry forces onto the surface of Installation 05, and the Covenant, under Regret's say so set up a presence around a "temple" in the middle of a lake, from which Regret began his religious sermons. He also transmitted an apology to the Prophet of Truth, indicating that he couldn't have known that the humans would be there or in such force. Truth responded by saying that only Mercy had spared him from "public" condemnation. Nevertheless, High Charity and the Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity rushed to the new Halo, and a flight of Phantoms was deployed to rescue the Hierarch.
The In Amber Clad arrived in system soon after and deployed
ODST forces onto the surface of Installation 05 along with the Master Chief to locate and kill Regret. The operation was a success, but soon afterward High Charity made a jump to the ring and ordered one of the nearby ships to use its Gravity Lift to destroy the temple, nearly killing the Spartan and negating any chance of rescue for the Prophet.
It isn't known how Regrets body escaped the destruction of the temple, but it was later assimilated by the newly formed Gravemind, reanimated and incorporated into the creature itself. He made a final appearance at the beginning of the next level, where he expressed annoyance with another captive of the Gravemind's, 2401 Penitent Tangent, and reacted to the presence of the Arbiter, warning the Arbiter to forgo any heretical suggestions made by the Monitors and the humans and to pursue the Great Journey.

The Ark
Throughout the events of Halo 3, Regret likely remained a part of Gravemind. If this is true, then Regret was finished for good on the Ark, where the Gravemind was killed due to the activation of the replacement of
Installation 04.

Based on a
letter written from Truth to Mercy relating to his untimely attack of Earth without realizing the significant human presence and defensive measures, Regret is considered a very rash and ambitious Prophet, immature and naive compared to the other ladder members. He developed a habit of ingesting excess alcoholic beverages, and his work as Vice Minister of Tranquility meant that his duties brought him into regular contact with the Sangheili, and had adopted some of their personal traits, such as a preoccupation with honor and personal arms. During their visit to the Oracle upon the Forerunner Dreadnought, Regret, then still a Vice Minister, first tried to threaten a Lekgolo pair with a Plasma Pistol and then almost shot the Philologist, later to become Mercy, for "tampering" with the Oracle.

The only weapon Regret has is his
Gravity Throne. It is only seen being used as a weapon in Regret. Regret's gravity throne is equipped with two Gravity Cannons that glow bright red and are a modified version of a Hunters Fuel rod gun. It is also equipped with a teleportation device that allows him to teleport a short distance away. The only way to defeat him is to board his throne and melee attack him. However, rockets will lock onto the throne as if it were a vehicle. Though this will not kill the Prophet, enough rockets can hurt him, reducing the number of hits he can take once you board his throne. Also a lunge with the energy sword will weaken him, though not as much as a rocket.
After a few hits, he will throw you off and teleport away, and his throne must be re-boarded to resume the assault. This pattern will repeat until either he or the
Master Chief dies.
Regret is not alone, however. Throughout the battle with him,
Grunts and Honor Guard Elites will attempt to aid him against the Chief.
Due to a glitch, Regret can be knocked out of his throne and shoot you with a
plasma pistol that has a faster rate of fire for a few seconds. Regret will then teleport back to his chair as if nothing had happened.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

UNSC In Amber Clad

The UNSC In Amber Clad (FFG-142) was a United Nations Space Command Frigate.

First Battle of Earth
As of October 2552, the In Amber Clad was commanded by Commander Miranda Keyes. It was docked with Orbital Defense Platform Cairo during an award ceremony. In the middle of the ceremony, however, a Covenant Fleet appeared around Earth and so the First Battle of Earth began. Home Fleet ships then began to open fire on the Covenant Ships. Though the In Amber Clad did not engage in direct combat over Earth, they did descend to catch John-117 after his daring destruction of one of the Covenant's Assault Carriers using their own bomb.
First Battle of Mombasa
Afterwards, the vessel descended to Mombasa, Kenya, where it dispatched numerous units from the 17th and 77th Marine Regiments. During the battle, the In Amber Clad was the headquarters for all UNSC forces in the area. The ship also reinforced and resupplied the Marines with armor, ground support, and more troops. The IAC also began to evac and treat injured and wounded Marines.
As the
High Prophet of Regret suddenly initiated a Slipspace jump inside the city, the In Amber Clad was one of the only vessels close enough to follow it. Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood allowed Keyes to follow the Assault Carrier through the Slipspace rupture, even though she did not know where it was headed.
UNSC Coral Sea, UNSC Dusk, UNSC Paris, and the UNSC Redoubtable were sent to follow and assist the In Amber Clad with the heavy Assault Carrier.
Battle of Installation 05
The In Amber Clad ended up at Installation 05. There, Keyes immediately sent John-117 and her contingent of Marine Shock Troopers to the surface in Human Entry Vehicles to track down the Prophet of Regret at the Temple, while she took herself, Johnson and the 77th Marines to the Library in order to retrieve the Index and prevent the Covenant from activating Halo.
As Keyes entered the Library, they were immediately attacked by the
Flood and most of her Marines were taken by the flood and became Combat Forms and Carrier Forms, only a few eventually making it to the index. However, Keyes, Johnson, and what was left of the Marines were ambushed by the Arbiter only a few seconds after retrieving the index.
It is likely that the Flood commandeered a Pelican and infiltrated the In Amber Clad, as it was not seen again until it crashed into
High Charity. At this point the Flood controlled the ship. It is speculated that Gravemind was aboard.
First Battle of High Charity
The ship crashed into a tower near the Council Chamber and immediately the Flood used most of the ship's remaining Pelicans to spread out over High Charity, often crashing the ships to inflict maximum damage on the city. The Flood quickly assimilated most of High Charity's population. At this point, the ship was out of commission, designating it as destroyed.
Cortana intended to use the In Amber Clad's engines to destroy High Charity, but it was never done. It is unclear whether she still could do it because during the Battle of Installation 00, Cortana was unable to stop the Gravemind from using High Charity to travel through the galaxy. It is assumed to be completely destroyed when John-117 blasted the station's reactors causing them to go critical.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Installation 04

Installation 04 was one of a series of gigantic ring worlds (the Halos from which the series gets the name) apparently left behind by the enigmatic, technologically-advanced, and apparently extinct Forerunners. The Covenant reverentially described Installation 04 as either the First Holy Ring, or the First Sacred Ring. 04 is also known colloquially among Halo fans as Alpha Halo. It is the main setting of the first Halo game, Halo: Combat Evolved. After its destruction at the end of the Battle of Installation 04, The Ark started to make another Installation 04 after the first Installation 04 was destroyed.

The purpose of Installation 04, along with its sister installations, was to preclude and thwart the parasitic lifeforms known as the Flood from consuming the galaxy's sentient life. In the event of a Flood outbreak, one of the seven installations could be triggered to annihilate all sentient life. Once a ring is set off all remaining rings would activate.
Installation 04, until its destruction by the
Master Chief, was controlled by the Forerunner artificial intelligence construct (Monitor), 343 Guilty Spark.

The climate of Installation 04 is very similar to Earth's climate. There have been hurricanes over the oceans on the ring. The weather is, however, extremely unpredictable - rain and snowfall can occur at random, leading some to wonder if the weather is intentionally irregular, or whether there is some indiscernible pattern.
Ancient History
Installation 04 was built by the Forerunners at approximately 98,665 BCE (It was about 101,217 years old in 2552 CE).

Part of the wreckage of Installation 04
The Installation was activated sometime thereafter, and all
Forerunner and Flood were killed. Installation 04 lay dormant for millenia, with 343 Guilty Spark and his Sentinels ready to keep the Flood confined in the Flood Containment Facilities and keeping the infrastructure of the Halo in perfect working order.


"Halo... It's finished...""No. I think we're just getting started."
Cortana talking
to the
Master Chief after the
destruction of Installation 04.

The Covenant discovered the location of Installation 04, after the Covenant Fleet of Particular Justice followed the single UNSC cruiser, the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, which was fleeing from the Battle of Reach through slipspace. It is assumed that the Covenant knew about the Ring as the Prophets all have a holographic representation of them on their headdresses and Cortana saying previously that she used the coordinates received by the beam in The Fall of Reach. Due to the Covenant's faster Slipspace capabilities they arrived before the Autumn.
The Pillar of Autumn arrived around September 19, 2552 and was promptly shot down by warding
Covenant space forces. At around the same time, the Covenant ground forces on 04 accidentally unleashed the Flood from captivity. The ensuing four-day melee that took place all over the ring was called the Battle of Installation 04. Humans, Flood, and Covenant fought massive battles against one another as the Forerunner Constructs tried to control the outbreak by activating the Halo. In the end a single human, SPARTAN-117, detonated the Autumn's fusion reactors which destroyed the Halo.
Only a handful of
humans and Covenant survived the battle. 343 Guilty Spark floated through space until he met a group of Covenant on Threshold. Inspired by his words, they began a Heretic rebellion against the greater Covenant. Installation 04's destruction is seen as the first step in the chain of events that led to the Covenant Civil War. The Installation 04 was the first Halo destroyed.
There is now a large field of debris where Installation 04 was, though a few large chunks of the ring remain. Some smaller pieces of the Installation 04 have landed on
Basis and others have burnt up in Threshold's atmosphere on entry.

Shortly after the destruction of the Halo, the Ark began to automatically construct a new Halo to replace Installation 04. This exact copy of the first Halo ring was nearing completion only a few months after the first ring was destroyed, but was subsequently also destroyed when it was fired before it was ready by the Master Chief and Cortana.

The "Ringworld" of Halo is much smaller than Larry Niven's Ringworld, by a magnitude of 3,000. While the diameter of Niven's ringworld is close to the diameter of Earth's orbital of 300,000,000 km, the 10,000 km diameter of Halo is much closer to the diameter of Earth itself, which is 12,756 km. Ringworld has a star similar to our sun in its center, and Halo is orbiting a planet, but does not encircle it.
Circumstantial evidence from
Bungie indicates that Alpha Halo may be located in the Iota Horologii System, only 50 Lightyears from Earth.


It is unclear why the gas giant Threshold was specifically chosen to be the planet which Installation 04 orbited, but it is supposed that the large number of Forerunner machines already operational in Threshold (explicitly the network of Gas Mines), may have played a role in their decision. It could also be because it was the only planet in the system that had enough gravity to hold Halo in place.
Another common theory is that it was placed there mathematically in order to cover the whole of the galaxy with the spread of the Halos' main weapon. It is probable that the Forerunner had chosen Threshold as the staging point for constructing Installation 04 in a failsafe to attempt to isolate any major Flood outbreak. It may have been as simple as its proximity to the Gas Mine stations on Threshold, which the Forerunner may have used for power.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

United Nations Space Command Emergency Priority Order 098831A-1

The Cole Protocol, otherwise known as United Nations Space Command Emergency Priority Order 098831A-1 is a command enacted by Vice Admiral Preston Cole to prevent the Covenant from finding the location of Earth. Essentially, it is an order preventing Covenant retrival of data that contains the location of Earth, and forbids retreating vessels from setting Slipspace course to Earth, as the Covenant are able to track Slipspace travel and find Earth's location. The policy also states that to prevent capture, any UNSC or Human vessel is to self destruct, after wiping all data matrices, to prevent the advance of the Covenant.
All UNSC personnel were commanded to read the Cole Protocol under
NAVCOM UNSC Emergency Priority Order 098831A-1.

The Protocol

Article 1
United Nations Space Command Emergency Priority Order 098831A-1 Encryption Code: Red Public Key: file/ rst light/ From: UNSC/NAVCOM Fleet H.T. Ward To: ALL UNSC PERSONNEL Subject: General Order 098831A-1 ("The Cole Protocol ) Classification: RESTRICTED (BGX Directive) The Cole Protocol To safeguard the Inner Colonies and Earth, all UNSC vessels or stations must not be captured with intact navigation databases that may lead Covenant forces to human civilian population centers. If any Covenant forces are detected:

  1. Activate selective purge of databases on all ship-based and planetary data networks.
  2. Initiate triple-screen check to ensure all data has been erased and all backups neutralized.
  3. Execute viral data scavengers (Download from UNSCTTP://EPWW:COLEPROTOCOL/Virtualscav/fbr.091)
  4. If retreating from Covenant forces, all ships must enter Slipstream space with randomized vectors NOT directed toward Earth, the Inner Colonies, or any other human population center.
  5. In case of imminent capture by Covenant forces, all UNSC vessels MUST self-destruct.

Violation of this directive will be considered TREASON and pursuant to UNSC Military law articles JAG 845-P and JAG 7556-L, such violations are punishable by life imprisonment or execution.
*It should be noted that
Lieutenant Wagner broke Article 1 but was later pardoned.

Article 2
This article is never directly stated, though
Captain Keyes uses it while his ship is crashing on Installation 04. Captain Keyes says "I'm initiating the Cole Protocol, Article 2. We're abandoning the Autumn. That means you, too, Cortana." Later saying, "Destruction or capture of a shipboard AI is absolutely unacceptable."
This implies that Article 2 directs personnel, or at least those with sensitive information, to avoid capture. Whilst it is not apparent to what lengths UNSC personnel are to go to ensure this, apparently in the case of AI's the worst case scenario only allows them to be hidden rather than terminated. Strangely, in First Strike there does not seem to be any attempt to recover any potentially surviving AI's.

Subsection 7
No [captured] Covenant craft may be taken to human controlled space without an exhaustive search for tracking systems that could lead the Covenant to Human bases.
Few had even heard of subsection seven because it was little more than a technicality, before the Ascendant Justice was captured. Because the humans could not completely search the ship, they instead planned to take it to Reach and try to return with a more prepared team.
*Note the number 7 in the subsection title.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pillar of Autumn

Mothballed and due to be scrapped like the remainder of the Halcyon-class, the Autumn was reactivated during the Human-Covenant War. Under the command of Captain Jacob Keyes, she was to serve as an inconspicuous launch pad for a covert offensive involving locating the Covenant homeworld and capture of Covenant leadership by SPARTAN-II supersoldiers and received a refit to prepare her for the upcoming operation. The refit rectified a number of deficiencies in the original design and made her a competitive re-addition to the sorely pressed UNSC Navy. At the time of her destruction in 2552 she was 43 years old. A vessel, identified to be the Pillar of Autumn, pushes through the Covenant blockade and escapes Reach.
The Pillar of Autumn was ultimately unable to embark on the aforementioned operation due to action at the
Battle of Reach and was one of the few ships to escape the disaster, albeit with moderate damage and the loss of a third of its tech staff. Although the Cole Protocol demanded a random Slipstream jump, the AI Cortana, without the knowledge of the crew, purposely guided the ship to the planet Threshold based on map coordinates extracted from a Forerunner artifact. The result was the discovery of Installation 04, or "Halo".

The Pillar of Autumn taking plasma impacts at the Battle of Installation 04.
A brief and uneven
battle against a Covenant battle group of a dozen superior CCS-class Battlecruisers in near-Threshold space. Described by Cortana's and Captain Keyes' exchange: (Keyes:) "Damn. I don't see how we even stood a chance in the first place." (Cortana:) A dozen Covenant cruisers against a single Halcyon-II class ship- by those odds we still had three- (pauses, thinks.) make that four kills." Even so, the orbital battle resulted in critical damage being inflicted upon the Pillar of Autumn. Enemy boarding parties disabled the Magnetic Accelerator Cannon's fire control with a demolition charge, but not before she made a good account of herself by destroying four enemy warships and damaging several others. The Pillar of Autumn's survival against superior forces was due in part to a Prophet's directive to disable, rather than destroy her, out of fear that her destruction might harm "Halo", which had religious significance to the Covenant. The ship was then crash landed onto "Halo" by one of Cortana's subroutines. The vessel, damaged beyond repair, tore a deep gash in the ground for several hundred meters, bounced, then came to rest upright and balanced over a cliff on a barren peninsula. Prior to the crash much of her crew had taken to the escape pods, including Cortana who was being carried within the Master Chiefs suit. Others evacuated by Pelican dropship or even in drop pods, as was the case for a complement of ODSTs. Despite the confusion most of the crew survived to reach "Halo" and engage Covenant ground forces.
Pelicans were employed to retrieve munitions from the crashed ship to sustain this effort. The human forces successfully neutralized the Covenant vehicles and some of the infantry stationed at the crash site and retrieved weaponry and vehicles to use in their guerrilla war against the Covenant.
Despite the abuse sustained during the space battle and the following crash the Pillar of Autumn remained intact, and was subsequently occupied by investigating Covenant forces and later by
Flood. The threat posed by the latter was deemed sufficiently great for SPARTAN-117 and Cortana to detonate the ship's still-functioning fusion power cores in a bid to destroy "Halo", thus preventing the Flood from escaping.
Having manually triggered a destabilization of the power cores, SPARTAN-117 and Cortana commandeered a
Longsword from one of the Pillar of Autumn's docking bays and achieved a safe minimum distance before the ship exploded, causing the ring-world to fragment. Its memory lives on for years to come as says doctor Halsey in ghosts of onyx.
The Pillar of Autumn was refitted with an improved nuclear fusion engine that featured two smaller reactors around a larger one, capable of boosting power out by 300%. An upgraded cooling system was also retrofitted, featuring "a laser-induced optical slurry of ions chilled to near-absolute zero" that removed the reliance on expendable chemical temperature-control agents. In essence, the new system provided increased waste heat removal as power output increased. This self-regulating and self-cooling system was critical in combat since it virtually eliminated a commander's concerns about overheating and slagging a ship's engines.
[edit] Armament
The upgraded Pillar of Autumn received several refits, including several to its weapons systems. Eventually, it was host to a very powerful armament.
MAC Cannon which was capable of firing three consecutive shots on one charge each 600 tons.
Archer Missile Pods which were arranged in thirty columns and ten rows. Each pod contained 26 individual devices, equaling 7800 missiles[5].
Shiva Nuclear Warheads, one of which is loaded on a remote-controlled Longsword interceptor.
Forty 50mm Autocannons for point defense against single ships. These cannons were later scavenged by the surviving humans on
Installation 04 for Alpha Base.
HAVOK Nuclear Warheads
[edit] Engine Room
The Pillar of Autumn's engine room, or just "Engineering", was a large, three-deck high chamber allowing access to the fusion engine core. Side passages allowed for movement from the bottom deck all the way up to the catwalks on the third. The manifolds into the cores were suspended above the second deck. Controls on the third retracted these manifolds, exposing a vent that led directly into the core. It was using this method to expose the core via the vents that the
Master Chief ultimately destroyed the ship and "Halo". This room is the largest room in the Pillar of Autumn with the exception of the hanger bay.

The Pillar of Autumn

Cortana, the AI, found aboard the PoA

The crashed Autumn in the Desert of Halo

Crewmembers in the "Autumn"
[edit] Airlocks
Airlock 31: The
Lifeboat of this airlock was destroyed by the Covenant to make way for a Boarding Craft.
Airlock 32: The
Lifeboat of this airlock was destroyed by the Covenant to make way for a Boarding Craft.
Airlock 51: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel, but was destroyed by unseen Covenant artillery.
Airlock 52: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel.
Airlock 53: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel.
Airlock 61: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel with the Master Chief, Cortana and 9 other Marines onboard.
Airlock 62: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel.
Airlock 63: The
Lifeboat of this airlock managed to make it out of the vessel.

[edit] Known Crew
[edit] Pillar of Autumn Command Crew
Captain Jacob Keyes -- Ship Captain
Cortana -- Former ship AI
Unknown backup AI, Most likely
Lieutenant Dominique -- Communications Officer
Lieutenant Aki Hikowa -- Weapons Officer
Lieutenant Hall -- Operations Officer
Ensign William Michael Lovell -- Navigation Officer
Lieutenant Commander Gail Purdy -- Chief Engineer
Crewman Abiad
Crewman Wang
Crewman Singh
[edit] Other Naval Personnel
Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
Tech Chief Thom Shephard -- Cryogenics Technician
Tech Officer First Class Mary Murphy -- Air Traffic Technician
Tech Officer Sam Marcus -- Cryogenics Technician
Petty Officer Third Class Pauley -- Radio Technician
Petty Officer Third Class Cho -- Radio Technician
Flight Officer Captain Carol "Foehammer" Rawley -- Pelican Pilot-Echo 419
Lieutenant "Cookie" Peterson -- Pelican Pilot
Lieutenant Rick Hale -- Pelican Pilot
Flight Officer Mitchell -- Pelican Pilot
Warrant Officer Shiela Polaski -- Pelican Pilot
Lieutenant Frye -- Pelican Co-Pilot
Crew Chief
Cullen -- Pelican Communications Officer
Lieutenant Haverson
[edit] Marines and ODSTs
[edit] Individuals
Major Antonio Silva
First Lieutenant Melissa McKay
Second Lieutenant Dalu
Second Lieutenant Oros
Staff Sergeant Marvin Mobuto
Master Sergeant Lister
Company Sergeant Tink Carter
Sergeant Corly
Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson
Sergeant Parker
Sergeant Pete Stacker
Gunnery Sergeant Waller
Private First Class M. Fitzgerald
Private Bisenti
Private First Class Hosky
Private First Class Wallace A. Jenkins
Corporal Locklear
Corporal Lovik
Corporal Wilkins
Lance Corporal "Snaky" Jones
Medic "Doc" Valdez
Private Kappus
Private Chips Dubbo
Private Manuel Mendoza
Private O'Brien
Private Marie Postly
Private Riley
Private Satha
Mary Murphy
Unnamed Corporal
[edit] Units
Marines-1 ODST Battalion, 1 Marine Battalion
Combat Team Alpha
Combat Team November
Combat Team Sierra
Combat Team Victor
Fire Team Charlie
Fire Team Zulu
Fourteenth Platoon
Twenty-Second Tactical
[edit] Others
SPARTAN-058 (Unconscious in Cryo Pod)
Jonesy (Crew member's cat)

Friday, May 16, 2008


It was designed by Dr. Catherine Halsey a civilian scientist in the employment of the UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence section three. The armor has undergone several incarnations during the many years of its development. The armor line is named for the mythical weapon Mjölnir, the hammer of Thor, weapon of the Norse god of lightning, thunder, wind, and rain. The origin for the word "Mjölnir" is unknown. The Icelandic verbs mölva (to crush) and mala (to grind) have been suggested as possible translations. Another theory suggests that Mjolnir might be related to the Russian word молния (molniya) and the Welsh word melt (both words being translated as "lightning"). This second theory parallels with the idea that Thor, being a god of thunder, therefore might have used lightning as his weapon.
Dr. Halsey's decision to name what most would consider a defensive item after an offensive weapon tells much about her design philosophy for the project, namely that the Spartan-IIs designed to wear the armor would be primarily an offensive force.

Friday, May 9, 2008


The Flood are fictional parasitic alien life forms in the Halo video game series. They are introduced in Halo: Combat Evolved as a secondary enemy to the game's protagonist, Master Chief, and return in Halo 2 and Halo 3 to fill the same role. The Flood are driven by a desire to infect sentient life they encounter, and are depicted as such a threat that the ancient Forerunner were forced to kill most of themselves and all other sentient life nearly 100,000 years before the beginning of Halo in an effort to starve the Flood to death.
The player's discovery of the Flood in Halo: Combat Evolved is a major plot twist that is kept suspenseful and tense, and was one of the surprises reviewers noted positively upon release. The Flood's return in Halo 2 and Halo 3 was less enthusiastically praised. Reaction to the faction varied; while some publications found the Flood too derivative and a clichéd element of science fiction,
Wizard Magazine rated them among the greatest villains of all time.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Identified UNSC Vessels and Stations

UNSC All Under Heaven
UNSC Atlas
UNSC Magellan
UNSC Musashi - Destroyed
UNSC Stalingrad - Destroyed
UNSC Trafalgar - Supercarrier, Destroyed

UNSC Basra - Destroyed
UNSC Dawn Under Heaven - Halcyon-class , Unknown
UNSC Hannibal - Destroyed
UNSC Leviathan - Marathon-class - unknown, presumably in active service
UNSC Pillar of Autumn - Halcyon-class , Destroyed

UNSC Brasidas - Destroyed
UNSC Iroquois -Unknown, probably destroyed
UNSC Glasgow Kiss - Destroyed
UNSC Heracles - Destroyed
UNSC Herodotus - Destroyed
UNSC Iwo Jima - Destroyed
UNSC Lancelot - Destroyed
UNSC Minotaur - Destroyed
UNSC Pioneer
UNSC Resolute
UNSC Tharsis - Destroyed

UNSC Adriatic - in active service
UNSC Aegis Fate - in active service
UNSC Alliance - Destroyed
UNSC Allegiance - Destroyed
UNSC Arabia - Destroyed
UNSC Commonwealth - Unknown
UNSC Euphrates - Unknown, possibly destroyed
UNSC Fair Weather - Destroyed
UNSC Forward Unto Dawn - Destroyed, rear section lost in space
UNSC Gettysburg - Unknown, flown back to Earth
UNSC Gorgon
UNSC In Amber Clad - Destroyed, or at least consumed by the Flood when they overtook High Charity.
UNSC Meriwether Lewis - Destroyed
UNSC Midsummer Night
UNSC Paris- Unknown, probably Destroyed
UNSC Redoubtable- Unknown, probably Destroyed
UNSC Tannenberg
UNSC Vostok - Destroyed

UNSC Apocalypso - Destroyed
UNSC Applebee
UNSC Athens
UNSC Circumference - Destroyed
UNSC Point of No Return
UNSC Razor's Edge

UNSC Chalons
UNSC Coral Sea- Unknown
UNSC Pony Express
UNSC Two for Flinching
UNSC Bunker Hill
UNSC Bum Rush
Colony Ships
UNSC Spirit of Fire - Modified Phoenix-class Colony Ship
UNSC Skidbladnir - Phoenix-class Colony Ship, scrapped
Odyssey - Colony Ship
Other Ships
UNSC Agincourt - Supply ship, Destroyed
UNSC Argo - Scout Ship, Destroyed
UNSC Walk of Shame - ONI sloop
Beatrice - Chiroptera-class , Destroyed
Coda - Shuttle Pod, Destroyed
Han - Diplomatic Shuttle
Hermes II
UNSC Laden - Parabola-class
UNSC Onan - Cargo Freighter
UNSC Point of No Return - Stealth Destroyer, UNSC wartime command center
UNSC Witch Bucket

Orbital Defense Platforms
Cairo Station
Athens Station - Destroyed
Malta Station - Destroyed
Nassau Station (Fell through temporal anomaly, orbiting Earth in 2004)

Mobile Stations
UNSC Cradle - Refit/Repair Facility, Destroyed
Station Delphi - Shipyard, Decommissioned
UNSC Hopeful - Hospital Ship

Remote Scanning Outposts
Fermion - Destroyed

Medical Stations
ONI Medical Facility
M25L Recovery Station