Saturday, April 11, 2009

SPARTAN-II Augmentation Procedures


Admiral Ysionris Jeromi documented the following experimental procedures on Bonobo Chimpanzees. These operations were later performed on the Spartans.

  1. Carbide ceramic ossification: Advanced material: special metal and ceramic layers, grafting onto skeletal structure to make bones virtually unbreakable. Recommended coverage not to exceed 3 percent total bone mass because of significant white blood cell necrosis. Specific risk for pre- and near-post pubescent adolescents: skeletal growth spurts may cause irreparable bone pulverization.
  2. Muscular enhancement injections: Protein complex is injected intramuscular, to increase tissue density and decrease lactate recovery time. Risk: 5 percent of test subjects experience a fatal cardiac volume increase.
  3. Catalytic thyroid implant: Platinum pellet containing human growth hormone catalyst is implanted in the thyroid to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues. Risk: rare instances of elephantiasis. Suppressed sexual drive.
  4. Occipital capillary reversal: Submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of subject’s retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase. Risk: retinal rejection and detachment. Permanent blindness.
  5. Superconducting fabrication of neural dendrites: Alteration of bio-electrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. Three hundred percent increase in subject’s reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity. Risk: significant instances of Parkinson’s disease and Fletcher’s syndrome.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spartan-III Roster

Alpha Company

  • Team Wolf Pack
    • Jane-A??? - KIA
    • Shane-A??? - KIA
    • Robert-A???- KIA

Beta Company

  • Team Echo - KIA (MIA/WIA)
  • Team Foxtrot
    • Lucy-B091 - Active in Dyson sphere Shield World
    • Min-B174 - KIA
    • Tom-B292 - Active in Dyson sphere Shield World
    • Adam-B004 - KIA
  • Team India - KIA
  • Team Lima - KIA
  • Team X-ray - KIA
  • Team Romeo – KIA

Gamma Company

  • Team Gladius – KIA - Found deceased after several days of fleeing from Sentinels.
  • Team Katana - Inside of Slipspace Field Pods, the shield world Onyx. Currently traveling with the surviving Spartan IIIs/IIs
  • Team Saber
    • Holly-G003 - KIA
    • Ash-G099 - Active in Shield World
    • Dante-G188 - KIA (MIA/WIA)
    • Mark-G??? - Active in Shield World
    • Olivia-G??? - Active in Shield World
  • Other 315 Gamma Company S-IIIs - Unknown

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Augmentation Procedures of Spartan III

The S-IIIs underwent enhancement procedures similar to those of the Spartan-IIs, but with higher success rates due to the advances in technology. The rate of survival went up from 44% for the Spartan-IIs to 100% for the S-IIIs. The augmentation procedures were referred to as Project CHRYSANTHEMUM. The S-III's were injected with the following drugs:

  • Drug 8942-LQ99: A carbide ceramic ossification catalyst to make skeletons virtually unbreakable.
  • Drug 88005-MX77: A fibroid muscular protein complex that boosted muscle density and strength.
  • Drug 88947-OP24: A retina-inversion stabilizer drug. It boosted color and night vision capabilities.
  • Drug 87556-UD61: Improved colloidal neural dis-unification solution, which in turn decreases reaction time.

In addition, the following drugs were injected into the Spartans of Gamma Company. They were illegal, but Kurt-051 felt that they were necessary for the Spartans to survive in battle.

  • Drug 009762-OO: a mutagen that alters key regions of the subject's frontal lobe. It enhances aggression, strength, endurance, and tolerance to injury, which allowed fighting when they should be dead or in a coma. Negative effects include a loss in rational thinking and tactics. This is counter-balanced by the anti-psychotic and bipolar-integration drugs listed below.
  • Drug 009927-DG: Miso-olanzapine. An anti-psychotic. This drug counters the mutagen's properties.
  • Drug 009127-PX: Cyclodexione-4. A bipolar-integration drug. Counters the mutagen's properties.